Last year my husband was rereading The Lord of the Rings to our three boys and we went on a nature hike. My boys saw a downed tree and they decided that it was the Bridge of Khazad-dum. Gandalf was fighting the Balrog right there. When I asked them to make an entry into their notebooks, I told them they could draw what they saw with their eyes on one side of the page and what their imagination saw on the other side. I knew Gandalf was going to show up either way, so I gave them an outlet.
"A good storyteller can transform the ordinary things of our everyday worlds into doors, showing us the same old stuff in a new light we never would have seen otherwise."
Last year my husband was rereading The Lord of the Rings to our three boys and we went on a nature hike. My boys saw a downed tree and they decided that it was the Bridge of Khazad-dum. Gandalf was fighting the Balrog right there. When I asked them to make an entry into their notebooks, I told them they could draw what they saw with their eyes on one side of the page and what their imagination saw on the other side. I knew Gandalf was going to show up either way, so I gave them an outlet.
"...draw what they saw with their eyes on one side of the page and what their imagination saw on the other side."
I love this idea!
"A good storyteller can transform the ordinary things of our everyday worlds into doors, showing us the same old stuff in a new light we never would have seen otherwise."
Good stuff, Kristen!
So good!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I love the the infinite worlds paved by imagination.